Faculty Directory

Core Faculty

Joseph Ali, JD
Associate Director for Global Programs; Associate Professor
Anne Barnhill, PhD
Associate Research Professor
Hilary Bok, PhD
Director of Undergraduate Bioethics Program; Associate Professor
Juli Bollinger, MS
Research Scientist
Renee Boss, MD, MHS
Rembrandt Foundation Professor of Pediatric Palliative Care
Ruth R. Faden, PhD, MPH
Berman Institute Founder; Philip Franklin Wagley Professor of Biomedical Ethics
Kadija Ferryman, PhD
Assistant Professor
Gail Geller, ScD, MHS
Director of Education Initiatives; Professor
Mark T. Hughes, MD, MA
Assistant Professor
Jeffrey Kahn, PhD, MPH
Andreas C. Dracopoulos Director; Robert Henry LeviĀ and Ryda Hecht Levi Professor of Bioethics and Public Policy
Nancy E. Kass, ScD
Deputy Director for Public Health; Phoebe R. Berman Professor of Bioethics and Public Health
Anna Mastroianni, JD, MPH
Research Professor in Bioethics and Law
Debra Mathews, PhD, MA
Associate Director for Research and Programs; Professor
Maria Merritt, PhD
Associate Director for Faculty Affairs; Professor
Margaret Moon, MD, MPH
Associate Professor
Stephanie Morain, PhD, MPH
PhD Program Director; Associate Professor
Hanna Pickard, DPhil
Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Bioethics
Alan Regenberg, MBE
Director of Outreach & Research Support
Travis N. Rieder, PhD
Director of the MBE Program; Assistant Director for Education Initiatives; Associate Research Professor
Leonard Rubenstein, JD, LLM
Professor of the Practice
Cynda Hylton Rushton, PhD, RN
Anne and George L. Bunting Professor of Clinical Ethics
Brendan Saloner, PhD
Bloomberg Associate Professor of American Health
Jeremy Sugarman, MD, MPH, MA
Deputy Director for Medicine; Harvey M. Meyerhoff Professor of Bioethics and Medicine
Yoram Unguru, MD, MS, MA
Associate Professor

Affiliate Faculty

Ivor D. Berkowitz, MBBCh
Associate Professor
Lomax Boyd, PhD
Assistant Research Professor
Megan Collins, MD
Associate Professor
Katelyn Esmonde, PhD
Assistant Research Professor
Jeremy Greene, MD, PhD
William H. Welch Professor of Medicine and the History of Medicine
Lauren Arora Hutchinson, PhD, MPH
Director, Dracopoulos-Bloomberg iDeas Lab
Amelia Hood, MA
Research Associate
Olivia Kates, MD, MA
Assistant Professor
Rebecca R. Seltzer, MD, MHS
Assistant Professor
Carolyn Sufrin, MD, PhD
Associate Professor

Adjunct Faculty

Hunter Jackson Smith, MD, MPH, MBE
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Emeritus Faculty