Berman Institute Monthly Newsletter – December 2021

December 2021


Work by Lomax Boyd selected to be part of the Fulbright Art Digital Gallery

Dr. Yoram Unguru asked to serve on an Advisory Panel for Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Company concerning drug shortages affecting childhood cancer.

The Bloomberg School of Public Health recognized several Berman Institute faculty for their excellence in teaching for the summer term: Jeffrey Kahn, Nancy Kass, Joseph Ali, and Jessica Fanzo.


The Role of the Faith Leaders in Decision Making of the Terminally Ill

Freeman Family Ethics for Lunch

Tuesday December 17, 2021, 12 – 1 pm EST

More info TBA.


Click to view

Origins of the insulin crisis: how a century of price-fixing controversies affects the cost of care today

The Lancet

Authors: Rachel J Strodel, Jeremy A Greene


Ethics and Well-Being: The Health Professions and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Academic Medicine

Authors: Mark T. Hughes, Cynda Rushton


Justice and equity in pragmatic clinical trials: Considerations for pain research within integrated health systems

Learning Health Systems

Authors: Joseph Ali, Alison F. Davis, Diana J. Burgess, et al.



Optimizing the Impact of Pragmatic Clinical Trials for Veteran and Military Populations: Lessons From the Pain Management Collaboratory

Military Medicine

Authors: Joseph Ali, Margaret Antonelli, Lori Bastian, et al.


Parental Trust in School-Based Health Care: A Systematic Review

School Health

Authors: Andrea S. Nahum, Hursuong Vongsachang, David S. Friedman, Megan E. Collins


Integrating health technology assessment and the right to health: a qualitative content analysis of procedural values in South African judicial decisions

 Health Policy and Planning

Authors: Michael J DiStefano, Safura Abdool Karim, Carleigh B Krubiner


Examining the trade-offs of palm oil production and consumption from a sustainable diets perspective: lessons learned from Myanmar

Public Health Nutrition

Authors: Shauna M Downs, Khristopher Nicholas, Kay Khine Linn, Jessica Fanzo



Origins of the insulin crisis: how a century of price-fixing controversies affects the cost of care today

The Lancet

Authors: Rachel J Strodel, Jeremy A Greene


Rebuilding a foundation of trust: A call to action in creating a safe environment for everyone

Patient Experience Journal

Authors: Cynda H. Rushton, Laura J. Wood, Karen Grimley, et al.


Digital Scarlet Letters: Sexually Transmitted Infections in the Electronic Medical Record

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Authors: Sarah Bennett, Denis R. Newman-Griffis, et al, including our Mary Catherine Beach & Marielle Gross.


Incentives and payments in pragmatic clinical trials: Scientific, ethical, and policy considerations

Clinical Trials

Authors: Andrew Garland, Kevin Weinfurt, Jeremy Sugarman


Clinician Response to Patient Emotion: Impact on Subsequent Communication and Visit Length

Annals of Family Medicine

Authors: Mary Catherine Beach, Jenny Park, Dingfen Han, et al.


Visual acuity and refractive findings in children prescribed glasses from a school-based vision program

American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus

Authors: Xinxing Guo, David S. Friedman, Michael Repka, Megan E. Collins


Implementation of buprenorphine initiation and warm handoff protocols in emergency departments: A qualitative study of Pennsylvania hospitals

Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment

Authors: Esita Patela, Keisha Solomona, Haneefa Saleem, et al, including our Brendan Saloner.


Parent Perspectives on Facilitating Decision‐Making around Pediatric Home Ventilation

Pediatric Pulmonology

Authors: Nicholas Jabre, Jessica Raisanen, Kelly Shipman, Carrie Henderson, Renee Boss, Benjamin Wilfond


An ethical analysis of vaccinating children against COVID-19: benefits, risks, and issues of global health equity

Wellcome Open Research

Authors: Rachel Gur-Arie, Steven R. Kraaijeveld, Euzebiusz Jamrozik


Intention to receive COVID-19 vaccine during pregnancy: A systematic review and meta-analysisCOVID-19 vaccine and pregnancy

American Journal of Perinatology

Authors: Alireza A Shamshirsaz, Kamran Hessami, Stephanie Morain, et al.


Literature Collection: Advancing Ethical Engagement and Benefit Sharing Within International Collaborative Genomic Research Partnerships in Africa


Authors: Joseph Ali

Click to see full list

November 22

eSchool+ Initiative tracker finds widespread discrepancies in school COVID-19 policies


With comments from Megan Collins and Ruth Faden.

November 19

New reports confirm threats from the delta variant during pregnancy

Washington Post

With comments from Ruth Faden.

November 18

Coronavirus FAQ: What is long COVID? And what is my risk of getting it?


Zackary Berger and other professionals address questions concerning long COVID.


Austria Is a New Front in Europe’s Fight Against Covid

Washington Post

With comments from Nancy Kass.

November 15

Scientists are learning more about the lingering symptoms of COVID-19


With comments from Zackary Berger.

November 11

Conversations: Leonard Rubenstein, “Perilous Medicine: The Struggle to Protect Health Care from the Violence of War”


Leonard Rubenstein discusses his book.


Johns Hopkins Children’s Center Awarded Grant to Study COVID-19 Safety Measures in Schools


Awardees include our Megan Collins.


COVID-19 Experts’ Kids Get the Vax


Parents include our Travis Rider.


The Struggle to Protect Health Care from the Violence of War

ChitChat – Claudia Cragg Podcast

In this podcast, Leonard Rubenstein offers a gripping and powerful account of the dangers health workers face during conflict.

November 9

Despite reopening, the US is still closed to many in world

AP News

Nancy Kass comments.


A Patient and Bioethicist Perspective on the Medical System’s Role and Responsibilities in the Opioid Crisis: An Interview with Dr. Travis N. Rieder, PhD


A podcast interviewing our Dr. Travis Rieder.


Ethics Talk: Equitable Allocation of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine

AMA Journal of Ethics

In this videocast, Dr. Ruth Faden discusses how to fairly distribute SARS-CoV-2 vaccines when supply is limited.


Despite reopening, the US is still closed to many in world

ABC News

With comments from Nancy Kass.

November 8

Q&A: Johns Hopkins’ Margaret Moon, MD, on kids and the COVID vaccine

State of Reform

Q&A with our Margaret Moon.

November 2


How healthcare leaders can help rebuild trust

Modern Healthcare

By David Schleifer & our Mary Catherine Beach.


Compassion Fatigue Caring for Unvaccinated Patients: To Treat or Not to Treat.  Ethical Considerations.

November 3rd

Talk at Sinai Hall by Yoram Unguru


Donor and Patient Ethical Considerations in Transplant and Cellular Therapy.

National Marrow Donor Program annual summit

November 5th

Talk by Yoram Unguru


Implementing Ethics in Autonomous Systems

United States Naval Academy Science and Engineering 2021 Conference, Annapolis, MD

Monday, November 8 2021, 1 – 1:45 PM EST

Talk by Debra Mathews.