
Our faculty are engaged in a wide range of ever-expanding projects, seeking to achieve more ethical practices and policies relevant to human health. Learn more about some of our ongoing projects below, or scroll to the bottom of the page for a full searchable index.

Featured Projects

playing god?
A 10-episode globally distributed podcast sharing the deeply personal — and incredibly moving — stories of people caught at the life-and-death crossroads of medical innovations and ethical dilemmas
Center for Ethics, Law, Policy and the Life Sciences (CELLS)
Issue mapping, policy analysis, and governance recommendations, taking advantage of Hopkins Bloomberg Center in Washington, DC
Feels Like Home
Immersing the public in how families with Children with Medical Complexity adapt/build their home environment to meet their child's and family’s needs
Moral Histories
An oral history project capturing the stories and voices of the founding figures of American bioethics
Carlton Haywood, Jr., PhD, Memorial Symposium
An annual symposium celebrating and highlighting Dr. Haywood’s intellectual contributions to bioethics research and how his work lives on through his impact on others
A live immersive theater and new media experience that uses brain-computer interface technology to explore the relationship between human, artificial, and natural intelligence
Johns Hopkins AI Ethics and Governance Symposium
Leading AI ethics and governance experts from around the world gathered to help build an interdisciplinary community to work toward a future where the development and application of AI is aligned with societal needs, interests, and values
Achieving Ethically Appropriate & Effective Local Context Review by Single IRBs
Identifying the purpose and content of local context review when using a single institutional review board for the ethical review of multisite research
Reexamining the Ethical Permissibility of Dual Role Consent
Developing empirically informed guidance for when physician-investigators may permissibly solicit informed consent for research from patients with whom they have a pre-existing treatment relationship
Institutional Obligations for Pragmatic Clinical Trials
Developing a normative account and practical guidance for embedded pragmatic clinical trials
Oxford-Johns Hopkins Global Infectious Disease Ethics Collaborative (GLIDE)
Identifying and analyzing ethical issues arising in infectious disease treatment, research, response, and preparedness, through the lens of global health ethics

Searchable Project Index

Feels Like Home

Immersing the public in how families with Children with Medical Complexity adapt/build their home environment to meet their child's and family’s needs

Through the Family’s Lens

Identifying opportunities to optimize the home environment for children with medical complexity

Building Clinician-Parent Partnerships to Improve Care for Chronically Critically Ill Children

Designing targeted, innovative educational interventions to optimize patient well-being, empower family partners, and harness hospital resources

Formation of the Physician

Narrative Medicine from a Physician in Training

Resources for Frontline Clinicians


Clinical Decision Making


The Ventilator Nurse Training (VeNT) Program

Building community capacity to care for children on chronic home ventilation through simulation training

Raising Children with Medical Complexity: Issues in Housing and Household Expenses

Assessing the housing challenges for children with special health care needs in the State of Maryland

Pediatric Chronic Critical Illness Research & Ethics

Supporting parents and clinicians as they care for children with multi-system disease, dependence on medical technology and frequent/prolonged hospitalizations

Seminar Series

Leading bioethics scholars from around the world lecture on vital issues in the field at our biweekly Seminar Series. Lectures, held at lunchtime, are free and open to the public.

Pediatric Chronic Mechanical Ventilation Decision-Making Tool

Helping families make informed decisions for their child and family by hearing the lived-experiences of others who chose for and against pediatric chronic mechanical ventilation

Ethics for Lunch: Responding to the COVID-19 Crisis

Monthly discussion series reviewed important real-life clinical ethics issues arising from the pandemic

Levi Symposium 2019: Where can they live? The Ethical Challenges of Gaps in Community Supports, Services, and Placement Options for Children with Medical Complexity

The Symposium convened stakeholders to focus on gaps in community supports, services and placement options for children with medical complexity

Nursing Ethics for the 21st Century: Report of the National Nursing Summit

Report of the summit meeting on Nursing Ethics for the 21st Century, seeking to change the nation’s health care culture so that it more strongly supports basic ethics principles and more effectively enables nurses to practice more ethically.

Vision of Hope

Palliative care is traditionally focused on care for the terminally ill. Through Vision of Hope, scholars at the Berman Institute are aiming to change that by bringing the principles and comfort of palliative care to pediatric patients suffering from chronic illness.

JHU Exploration of Practical Ethics

Stimulating innovative interdisciplinary work that takes on ethical issues arising in professions and scholarly disciplines, within institutions and society

PREVENT (Pregnancy Research Ethics for Vaccines, Epidemics, and New Technologies)

Equitably including the interests of pregnant women and their offspring in vaccine research and development


Considering ethical implications of personalized approaches to treating infectious diseases made possible by genomic technological advances