
Our faculty are engaged in a wide range of ever-expanding projects, seeking to achieve more ethical practices and policies relevant to human health. Learn more about some of our ongoing projects below, or scroll to the bottom of the page for a full searchable index.

Featured Projects

playing god?
A 10-episode globally distributed podcast sharing the deeply personal — and incredibly moving — stories of people caught at the life-and-death crossroads of medical innovations and ethical dilemmas
Center for Ethics, Law, Policy and the Life Sciences (CELLS)
Issue mapping, policy analysis, and governance recommendations, taking advantage of Hopkins Bloomberg Center in Washington, DC
Feels Like Home
Immersing the public in how families with Children with Medical Complexity adapt/build their home environment to meet their child's and family’s needs
Moral Histories
An oral history project capturing the stories and voices of the founding figures of American bioethics
Carlton Haywood, Jr., PhD, Memorial Symposium
An annual symposium celebrating and highlighting Dr. Haywood’s intellectual contributions to bioethics research and how his work lives on through his impact on others
A live immersive theater and new media experience that uses brain-computer interface technology to explore the relationship between human, artificial, and natural intelligence
Johns Hopkins AI Ethics and Governance Symposium
Leading AI ethics and governance experts from around the world gathered to help build an interdisciplinary community to work toward a future where the development and application of AI is aligned with societal needs, interests, and values
Achieving Ethically Appropriate & Effective Local Context Review by Single IRBs
Identifying the purpose and content of local context review when using a single institutional review board for the ethical review of multisite research
Reexamining the Ethical Permissibility of Dual Role Consent
Developing empirically informed guidance for when physician-investigators may permissibly solicit informed consent for research from patients with whom they have a pre-existing treatment relationship
Institutional Obligations for Pragmatic Clinical Trials
Developing a normative account and practical guidance for embedded pragmatic clinical trials
Oxford-Johns Hopkins Global Infectious Disease Ethics Collaborative (GLIDE)
Identifying and analyzing ethical issues arising in infectious disease treatment, research, response, and preparedness, through the lens of global health ethics

Searchable Project Index

A parent holds virtual schools

How K-12 Schools Should Prepare for Reopening

An Equity Checklist for the 2020-21 Academic Year

Ethics of K-12 School Reopening: Identifying and Addressing the Values at Stake

How reopening policies under consideration can promote or undermine moral values

School Closure Response Checklist

A guide to decision-making that cares for students
A parent holds virtual schools

School Closure Plan Tracker

Summarizing district responses nationwide

School Reopening Plan Tracker

Analyzing state recovery plans for K-12 education

Digital Contact Tracing for Pandemic Response

Report led by Berman faculty offers guidance for ethical use of new technologies in fighting Covid

Ethics, COVID-19 & Africa

Exploring, from an African perspective, ethical challenges facing government, institutions, researchers, and the public in managing the pandemic

Essential Workers Project

Addressing the essential work of protecting at-risk essential workers during COVID-19
A parent holds virtual schools

eSchool+ Initiative

Formed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in order to develop tools and resources for schools to think responsibly about caring for students during school closures and the reopening process

Ethics Framework for the COVID-19 Reopening Process

Positing a framework for evaluating social distancing policies and reopening plans

Justice and Equity


Clinical Decision Making


Public Health Response and Societal Impacts


Patient Privacy and Individual Rights


Developing a Better Understanding of Public Private Partnerships for Nutrition: Towards the Next Generation of PPP Models

Examining how Public Private Partnerships can advance the goals of both public health nutrition and business

The Food Systems Dashboard

An innovative platform that launched in 2020 to bring together an extensive set of indicators to characterize global, regional, and national food systems with the overall goal to empower policymakers, United Nations and non-governmental organization development practitioners, civil society, researchers, and other stakeholders to understand food systems, assess their challenges, set priorities, and decide on actions to improve human and planetary health.

Pediatric Chronic Critical Illness Research & Ethics

Supporting parents and clinicians as they care for children with multi-system disease, dependence on medical technology and frequent/prolonged hospitalizations

Seminar Series

Leading bioethics scholars from around the world lecture on vital issues in the field at our biweekly Seminar Series. Lectures, held at lunchtime, are free and open to the public.

Levi Symposium 2019: Containment: Exploring the History, Politics, and Ethics of Infectious Disease Response in a Post-Genomic World

Levi Symposium considers history, politics and ethics of infectious disease response in a post-genomic world

Choose Food: Ethically Benchmarking Food Systems

Empowering eaters by enabling informed ethical decision making around food choices

Beef, Food Choices, and Values

Identifying ways to shift the consumption of beef in the United States in order to support planetary and human health

Ethics Issues in Outbreak Containment

An overview of ethics guidance for public health officials in infectious disease outbreak response

JHU Exploration of Practical Ethics

Stimulating innovative interdisciplinary work that takes on ethical issues arising in professions and scholarly disciplines, within institutions and society

Ethics Issues in Outbreak Containment in Low & Middle Income Countries

Developing Ethics Guidance and Practical Tools for Outbreak Response

Global Food Ethics & Policy Program

Deepening collaborations and partnerships, convening experts and leaders to shape policy, connecting scholars and scientists to societal players that shape the global food system