Our faculty are engaged in a wide range of ever-expanding projects, seeking to achieve more ethical practices and policies relevant to human health. Learn more about some of our ongoing projects below, or scroll to the bottom of the page for a full searchable index.

The Dracopoulos-Bloomberg Bioethics iDeas Lab
A creative studio and incubator for world class stories at the intersection of science, ethics, medicine and public health

eSchool+ Initiative
Formed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in order to develop tools and resources for schools to think responsibly about caring for students during school closures and the reopening process

Choose Food: Ethically Benchmarking Food Systems
Empowering eaters by enabling informed ethical decision making around food choices

Ethics for Lunch: Responding to the COVID-19 Crisis
Monthly discussion series reviewed important real-life clinical ethics issues arising from the pandemic

Ethics Issues in Outbreak Containment
An overview of ethics guidance for public health officials in infectious disease outbreak response

Global Food Ethics & Policy Program
Deepening collaborations and partnerships, convening experts and leaders to shape policy, connecting scholars and scientists to societal players that shape the global food system

JHU Exploration of Practical Ethics
Stimulating innovative interdisciplinary work that takes on ethical issues arising in professions and scholarly disciplines, within institutions and society

Oxford-Johns Hopkins Global Infectious Disease Ethics Collaborative (GLIDE)
Identifying and analyzing ethical issues arising in infectious disease treatment, research, response, and preparedness, through the lens of global health ethics

Pediatric Chronic Critical Illness Research & Ethics
Supporting parents and clinicians as they care for children with multi-system disease, dependence on medical technology and frequent/prolonged hospitalizations

PHASES (Pregnancy & HIV/AIDS: Seeking Equitable Study)
Seeking ethical solutions to advance research at the intersection of women’s reproduction and HIV prevention, treatment, and management
Searchable Project Index
Browse by:
Select Topic:
- Abortion
- Access To and Equity in Health Care
- Animal Welfare
- Artificial Intelligence
- Clinical Ethics
- Consent/Informed Consent
- Contraception
- COVID-19
- Death and Dying
- Drugs and Drug Industry
- Education of Health Care Professionals
- Enhancement
- Environmental Quality
- Food
- Food Ethics
- Genetics
- Global
- History of Bioethics
- Human Experimentation
- International/Political Dimensions
- Learning Health Systems
- Neurosciences and Mental Health
- Nursing
- Patient Relationships
- Population
- Practical Ethics
- Professional Ethics
- Public Health Ethics
- Quality/Value of Life/Personhood
- Religion
- Reproduction
- Research Ethics
- Right to Refuse Treatment
- Science and Bioethics
- Sexuality/Gender
- Stem Cell Research
- Technology
- Truth Disclosure
- Vaccines
Food Ethics

Beef Choices and Ethics Tool
An aid for ethically assessing policies and interventions intended to reduce beef consumption in the United States, it can be used to assess a wide range of policies and interventions, including: governmental laws, public policies and regulations; institutional policies and programs; and initiatives by non-profit organizations.

The Food Systems Countdown Initiative
A large, interdisciplinary, multi-institution collaboration involving food system experts from over 30 academic institutions, non-governmental organizations, and UN agencies from nearly all continents working to track and analyze global food systems and provide actionable evidence to guide change and bring about food systems transformation

People-Centered Food Systems: Fostering Human Rights-Based Approaches
Supporting the right-holders and duty bearers in four low-income countries to better protect the rights of rural and peri-urban food actors living in Cambodia, Ethiopia, Honduras, and Uganda and to help improve their food security and well-being, through a more effective implementation of the rights-related instruments.

Food Flows Projects
Building and contributing to an evidence base that informs action on alleviating food insecurity and building environmentally sustainable food environments of vulnerable populations

Developing a Better Understanding of Public Private Partnerships for Nutrition: Towards the Next Generation of PPP Models
Examining how Public Private Partnerships can advance the goals of both public health nutrition and business

Choose Food: Ethically Benchmarking Food Systems
Empowering eaters by enabling informed ethical decision making around food choices

Global Food Ethics & Policy Program
Deepening collaborations and partnerships, convening experts and leaders to shape policy, connecting scholars and scientists to societal players that shape the global food system