Realizing the Goals of Continuous Learning

Realizing the Goals of Continuous Learning: Insights on Ethics & Implementation from Institutional Leaders in Learning Health Care

About the Project

We interviewed leaders of 25 health systems at the forefront of transitioning to a learning health system. The goal was to hear from these leaders why they wanted to move to a system of continuous learning, what helped in their successes, what challenges they have faced, and what ethics issues emerged along the way. This project was conducted in collaboration with the National Academy of Medicine’s Leadership Consortium for Value and Science-Driven Health Care.

Principal Investigators

Nancy E. Kass, ScD
Deputy Director for Public Health; Phoebe R. Berman Professor of Bioethics and Public Health
Stephanie Morain, PhD, MPH
PhD Program Director; Associate Professor


Morain SR, Kass NE Ethics Issues Arising in the Transition to Learning Health Care Systems: Results from Interviews with Leaders from 25 Health Systems.eGEMs 4:2, 2016.

Morain SR, Kass NE, Grossmann C. What Allows a Health Care System to become a Learning Health Care System: Results from Interviews with Health System Leaders.

Abraham E, Blanco C, Lee CC, Christian JB, Kass N, Larson EB, Mazumdar M, Morain S, Newton KM, Ommaya A, Patrick-Lake B, Platt R, Steiner J, Zirkle M, Lopez MH. Generating Knowledge from Best Care: Advancing the Continuously Learning Health System. National Academy of Medicine Discussion Paper. September 6, 2016.