Ethics and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Allocation Across the Spectrum of Prevention, Treatment, and Research
Monday, Sept. 14
9:00-11:00am (US Eastern)
3:00-5:00pm (Zurich)
4:00-6:00pm (Athens)
Register now.
The rapidly spreading Covid-19 pandemic and its unprecedented implications on people, cultures, and economies, has changed our world dramatically, challenging governments and societies to continuously adapt and respond quickly.
The role of ethics and ethical considerations during this time are receiving great attention and many new intricate and delicate topics have been conceived and are being debated.
Although we were not able to host the 2nd SNFBA Bioethics Summer Course this past June because of these extraordinary times, we would like to stay connected with SNFBA alumni, as well as those interested in participating in our future events by offering an SNFBA Webinar.
We cordially invite you to join us on Monday, September 14, 2020, 4:00-6:00pm (GR) to unravel some of the prominent and interesting ethical dilemmas that affect us all during this very unique period. The event Zoom link will be distributed to registered attendees prior to the event.
Session 1
Prevention and Public Health Responses
Moderator: Effy Vayena, Chair in Bioethics, ETH Zurich
Panelists: Nancy Kass and Ruth Faden
Session 2
Clinical Care and Services
Moderator: Effy Vayena, Chair in Bioethics, ETH Zurich
Panelists: Jeffrey Kahn and Evangelos Protopapadakis
Session 3
Research Priorities and Implementation
Moderator: Effy Vayena, Chair in Bioethics, ETH Zurich
Panelists: Jeremy Sugarman and Stavroula Tsinorema, PhD