Team Meetings

Facilitated by Faculty/Facilitator
(60 minutes)

When using a longer version of the curriculum and one of your goals is to leverage the training for organizational change, we have included opportunities for inter-professional teams to work together. The following are suggested formats for those team meetings to help structure a process aimed at creating an actionable plan to leverage change.

Vision of Hope faculty and facilitators will serve as facilitators for the first team planning session, with a focus on concrete challenges in applying and implementing what has been learned at the workshop back at home institutions.  Note that your group will be comprised of one institutional team and parent(s).

Overview of purpose of team meetings

The outcome of this process at the end of the retreat is for each institutional group to develop a commitment statement and action plan that reflects their guiding values, principles, and commitments to improving the lives of children with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) and a beginning action plan for integrating pediatric palliative care into SCD care.

During this initial team planning session, direct participants to the Next Steps worksheet in their Participant Guide.  Explain that, throughout the retreat, references will be made to instituting change “back-home.”  The worksheet is a tool for participants to use in organizing their ideas.

Facilitator will guide the discussion.  Ask for a volunteer to be the scribe for the group’s discussions.  Identify a person(s) from the group who will be responsible for the follow up and implementation of the groups’ plan after the meeting.


Introduce each person in the following way:

Name, discipline, role in the care of children with SCD, and one thing they would like to see changed to improve their care. (Brevity is beautiful—each person should limit their introduction to 3 minutes).

Group Question:

  • What is most important to you in the care that you provide to patients with SCD?

Have each person in the group say a word or sentence that answers this question.  Have the scribe write these words or phrases down and read them after each person has spoken.

Current Status of Institution:

Invite people in the group to consider what they are currently doing in their own institution in integrating palliative and end of life care into the care of patients with SCD.

Make a list of things that are currently being done in the areas of education, clinical practice, protocols, policies, inclusion of parents and family members, etc regarding palliative care.

Goals of Institution:

Invite people to consider potential goals for their institution based on the thoughts of the participants and institutional culture and receptivity regarding palliative care integration with SCD. These goals should be related to the themes of palliative care: Quality of Life, Decision-Making, Communication, Symptom Management, Psychosocial Support, etc.

Example goals might include the following:

  • Develop ways to initiate educational activities at my own institution about the needs of children with sickle cell disease and the role of palliative care.
  • Develop ways to better integrate family members as teachers and consultants in those educational activities as well as in other initiatives to enhance care for children and families affected by sickle cell disease.
  • Continue to collaborate with colleagues within my own institution as well as regionally, nationally, and internationally to improve education and practice for children living with sickle cell disease and their families.

Invite the group to write down 1-3 possible goals for themselves on their Team Meeting #1 worksheet (in participant guide). Ask participants to keep thinking about ways to address these goals as they continue to attend the retreat and jot them down as they will continue this conversation during Team Meetings #2 and #3.

Not facilitated by Faculty/Facilitators
(60 minutes)

The outcome of this process at the end of the retreat is for each institutional group to develop a commitment statement and action plan that reflects their guiding values, principles, and commitments to improving the lives of children with SCD and a beginning action plan for integrating palliative care into pediatric SCD care.

The person(s) identified from Team Meeting #1 as being responsible for the follow up and implementation of the groups’ plan after the meeting can facilitate this meeting.

Work on Institutional/Organizational Next Steps 

  • Invite people to reflect on the goals for your institution discussed in Team Meeting #1 regarding palliative care integration with pediatric SCD care.
  • Clarify the 1 -3 goals your team will focus on upon returning to your home institution and write them on the Goals of Institution Worksheet.
  • Ask each team member to share ideas they have written down on their worksheets or have thought of throughout the retreat to address these goals and write them under the corresponding goal below.
  • Keep in mind potential challenges/obstacles and suggest strategies for addressing the challenges/obstacles
  • At the end of this session, each team should have a provisional list of goals that will be refined for final presentation in Team meeting #3.

Facilitated by Faculty/Facilitator
(60 minutes)

During this session, participants will refer to their Next Steps worksheet which they have previously filled out and discussed with their fellow team members.

Introduction (5 minutes)

  • Explain that you will facilitate the session but will look to the group for their active participation.
  • Remind participants that, throughout the workshop, references have been made to instituting change “back-home.”  This breakout session will focus on this through discussion of their Next Steps

Work on Institutional/Organizational Next Steps (20 minutes)

  • Remind participants of the three areas on the Next Steps worksheet and their 1-3 goals they created in Team Meeting #1.
  • Ask each team to share ideas they wrote down on their worksheets or have thought of throughout the retreat.
  • Ask each team to consolidate these ideas into their 1-3 goals and identify potential challenges/obstacles in implementation.

Sharing Next Steps: Commitment Statement and Action Plan (20 minutes)

Commitment Statement

  • Ask team to create a commitment statement that shares their intention as a team for when they return to their home institution. The commitment statement should include overarching ideas, values and guiding commitments the team will maintain in their work when they return home.
  • Ask participants to suggest statements that reflect their commitments to improving the care of children with SCD through better communication, ethical decision making, quality of life, and end of life care.  Reflect on what will you DO and how will you BE as a result of your work together over the last 3 days?

Action Plan

  • Ask team members to review the 1 – 3 goals and related action steps identified in Team Meetings 1 and 2 that they are willing to implement following the retreat to advance the integration of palliative and SCD care.  Consider what is feasible and realistic for the next 6 months.  Be sure to include ways to celebrate their successes.

Poster Creation (15 minutes)

  • Ask the team to create a poster that reflects commitment statement and action plan and action plan.
  • Each team will be given templates, a flip chart, and pens to develop their poster.
  • Bring poster to main room for display.