Train the Trainer Program

The Annual Train the Trainer Program is a two-day intensive workshop designed for university and medical school faculty, other academic professionals, lab heads, and others seeking to incorporate more bioethics content into education, training, and leadership responsibilities.  The focus of the April 2025 program will be Ethics and Research.  The program provides practical approaches, case studies and other resources to effectively integrate bioethics into teaching, training, and team leadership.


April 10–11, 2025


Goulandris Natural History Museum – GAIA Center
Othonos 100, Kifisia 145
Athens, Greece


The inaugural SNFBA Train the Trainers workshop in April 2025 will be offered free of cost, so that participants can participate in the development and provide real-time feedback for this new program of the SNFBA.

How to Apply

Interested participants must submit an application detailing their background, teaching experience, relevance of the program for their work, and motivation for joining the program. As of March 14, a very limited number of spaces remain available.

Apply now!

The Stavros Niarchos Foundation plays no role in reviewing applications to the program.

Who Should Apply?

This program is ideal for:

  • University faculty desiring more expertise and resources for teaching bioethics or adding bioethics content to their other teaching and training.
  • High school and other educators seeking to add bioethics into their curricula.
  • Professionals in medicine, biomedical research, science policy, law, and other fields seeking to incorporate bioethics education and training into their work.
  • Principal investigators leading clinical research, labs, and other areas where bioethics training is important for research staff and trainees.
  • Leaders and administrators of Research Ethics Committees interested in incorporating bioethics education and training to their committee efforts.

Program Highlights

  • Interactive sessions led by renowned bioethics experts from Johns Hopkins University and ETH Zurich.
  • Hands-on techniques for teaching, training, and curriculum development.
  • Peer-to-peer learning and networking opportunities.
  • Access to teaching resources and ongoing support from SNFBA.
  • In-depth case study analysis to explore current bioethics challenges.
  • Ongoing access to resources and experts to support education and training efforts.

Contact Us

For more information about SNFBA and its programs, please contact us at [email protected].