Summer Genomics & Society Mentorship Program (GSMP) Portal

Welcome to the GSMP Portal, your one stop for all things GSMP! This site will provide you with program information for the Genomics & Society Mentorship Program (GSMP). While private details will be emailed, this site is the primary source for information for the duration of the program. Some posts may require a response so be sure to read carefully.

Contact us if you have questions or need additional information. Get ready for a fun and enriching experience!

With enthusiasm and anticipation,

Debra Mathews, PhD, MA, Director
Penny White, CAP, Program Administrator


Please read the Genomics and Society Mentorship Program Policies here. You will need to sign and date both copies of the Dismissal Procedures as well as the Summer Policy Agreement. You should retain the student copy for your files, forwarding other signed agreements to Penny White.


Your first day with the GSMP will be Tuesday, May 28. We will hold an Orientation in the Deering Hall Lower Level Classroom (LLC) at 11 a.m. that day.

The first full week of the GSMP, trainees will attend the Berman Institute of Bioethics Summer Institute. The institute consists of the following week-long, courses:

Basics of Bioethics (9 a.m. – 12:20 p.m.)

Alan Regenberg, MBE, instructor.

All seminars, professional development events and workshops will be posted to a Google calendar (below). Unless otherwise specified, GSMP events will take place in Deering Hall LLC. Each date will contain Zoom link (just in case and for speakers who cannot participate in person), event contact/speaker name, etc. Following the event, any handouts received from the speaker will be posted to this site.

Beginning June 10, GSMP lecture series and professional development sessions will be held in the Deering Hall LLC, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.


Berman Institute and Bloomberg School of Public Health faculty, staff and program alumni will facilitate weekly genomics & society, bioethics, leadership and professional development sessions. Bios for instructors, guest speakers and presenters will be updated below and handouts (if provided by the speaker) will also be linked here.