Professor Victor Zulu, PhD, MSC, BVM, (he/him) Fogarty Fellow 2019 is a lecturer at the University of Zambia (UNZA), School of Veterinary Medicine in the department of Clinical Studies. He has been a lecturer since 1996 teaching both undergraduate and postgraduate students in Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics in particular Veterinary reproductive endocrinology. He is currently an Associate Professor and Acting Dean, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zambia. He holds a PhD. from Japan and did his Japanese language Course at Hokkaido University for Six months in 1997. He has continued to work closely with Hokkaido University through joint projects and collaboration. Prof. Zulu was also Head of Department and Research Coordinator in the School of Veterinary Medicine. Prof. Zulu has been trained in a number of short courses. In particular, planning monitoring and evaluation course from UNZA, Postgraduate Diploma in International Animal Health, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Japan, and Certificate in assisted reproductive technologies (Artificial Insemination and Embryo Transfer in cattle), Japan. Prof. Zulu has been principal and co-investigator on a number of projects where he has been involved in planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. In particular he was co-investigator on a 2-year CARE sponsored project on the integration of indigenous animal health and production knowledge as part of the national livestock management strategy. He also acted as project coordinator and was a member of the project implementation unit of a three-year JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) sponsored project on the improvement of animal health and production delivery through extension. This project was a joint collaboration between the Department of Veterinary and Livestock Development at the Ministry of Agriculture and cooperatives, UNZA School of Veterinary Medicine and JICA. This project was implemented in six districts of southern province (Monze, Choma, Kalomo, Sinazongwe, Namwala, Kazungula/Livingstone) and one district in Western Province (Sesheke). The project focused on training of veterinary personnel (District Veterinary Officers, Livestock Officers, Veterinary Laboratory Technicians, and Veterinary Assistants) so that they would improve their veterinary and livestock production knowledge and skills in their delivery of animal health services. Prof. Zulu completed a postdoctoral fellowship in Bioethics at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore USA and is currently serving as Vice Chairperson of the University of Zambia Biomedical Research Ethics Committee. This committee has the mandate to review research proposals to ensure that research participants and vertebrate animals are protected and not harmed during the implementation of research.