Natalia graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Chemistry from Boston University in 2018. Upon graduating, Natalia worked in the Texas Medical Center at a public academic health science center and teaching hospital as a clinical research assistant.
In the department of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases, Natalia consented hospitalized patients and outpatient controls for participation in a tissue biorepository and subsequently preserved blood, cerebrospinal fluid, and brain tissue for later investigation. Natalia was responsible for maintaining a de-identified patient database and managing clinical data reports related to post-acute stroke telehealth services.
Having designed a protocol that seeks to explore the relationship between stroke incidence and environmental pollution, Natalia is interested in strengthening her understanding of the social determinants of health and conducting research in social epidemiology. At the Berman Institute, Natalia is eager to learn more about the various routes to an ethically sound and comprehensive healthcare infrastructure.