Employing Greek Tragedy to Help Medical Professionals Cope with COVID
Paper in Lancet highlights innovative Berman Institute collaboration with Theater of War Productions

Johns Hopkins Launches K-12 School Reopening Policy Tracker
Interactive map is first resource to compare and analyze reopening plans nationwide

Berman Institute 25th Anniversary Celebration Postponed
COVID-19 pandemic pushes yearlong observance into 2021

Condemning Systemic Racism and Police Violence
A statement from the Berman Institute

A Physician’s Open Letter to Hospital Visitors
Help ailing loved ones heal by staying away from them

Building Trust While Influencing COVID-19 Social Media Content
Berman Institute faculty co-author Lancet paper on the public health threat of misinformation

Study of Social Distancing in Italy Sheds Light on Self-Isolation Practices
Prof. Macis study finds setting an expiration date on social distancing measures can jeopardize compliance

Emergency Homeschool is Not Homeschooling
MBE student Vivian V. Altiery De Jesús writes about the ethical concerns of COVID-19-homeschool

An Ethical Framework to Guide Hospitals During COVID-19
Jeffrey Kahn Q&A about JHU-led project to guide hospitals through the ethics of resource allocation

Publishing During the COVID-19 Epidemic: Prompt Conclusions or Quality Studies?
Prof. Michael Erdek cautions against a rush to faulty judgment

JHU Faculty Express Urgent Concern about Covid-19 Spread in Prison
More than 200 sign letter urging Maryland Governor Larry Hogan to take action

An Approach for Rationing Care During the Pandemic
Faculty share insights from Berman Institute project in Washington Post commentary