
Webinar: Invisibility Behind the Facade of Global Health

Thursday, Sep 29, 2022
9:00 am - 10:30 am
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GLIDE is excited to announce its next webinar:

Invisibility behind the facade of Global Health: four case studies

9:00am EDT / 2:00pm UK

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Invisibility is a complex socio-cultural phenomenon that comes in many forms and manifestations. While it is virtually impossible to fully trace invisibility due to its nature, one thing is clear: it unfolds in stratified, precarious and otherwise divided contexts. Global Health, deeply embedded in such contexts – both shaping and being shaped by them – is no exception. In this webinar, we invite the audience to peek behind the facade of Global Health and confront various invisible dynamics that could be easily overlooked.

How do invisible harms arise in conducting clinical trials in contexts of historic global inequality and poverty? What is ‘known’ about equity in international research partnerships and how can we start to address the ‘unknown knowns’ of global collaborations? What are the repercussions of research processes and public health responses when they are not centred on women? What are the implications of ‘not being seen’ for the most vulnerable when trying to access healthcare?

All these questions point to the issues of injustice and asymmetries in power endemic in Global Health. This webinar will explore these issues through four case study presentations:

  • The Underside of the Iceberg: Conceptualizing Equity and Fairness in International HIV/AIDS Research Partnerships Chelsea Modlin, Berman Institute of Bioethics, Johns Hopkins University
  • Hidden in Plain Sight: The “Unseen” Challenges of Health Care in Malaysia Shu Hui Ng, Monash University Malaysia
  • Reflections on research ethics in a public health emergency: Experiences of Brazilian women affected by Zika Ilana Ambrogi, Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz, ENSP/PPGBIOS, Rio de Janeiro
  • Global Health and the Ebola Vaccine Trials in West Africa: A Reflection Marlyn Faure, Bioethics at the Department of Medicine of the University of Cape Town

The webinar has been organised by GLIDE Research Fellows:

  • Arsenii Alenichev, Ethox Centre, University of Oxford
  • Chelsea Modlin, Berman Institute of Bioethics, Johns Hopkins University
  • Halina Suwalowska, Ethox Centre, University of Oxford

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