
Hot Topics in Research Ethics: Research Ethics During War

Tuesday, Feb 13, 2024
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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Hot Topics in Research Ethics: Research Ethics During War

By Emily E. Anderson, PhD, MPH
Loyola University Chicago

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Professor Anderson will offer insights into the ethical complexities faced by researchers in conflict zones. She will discuss the delicate balance between knowledge pursuit and ethical responsibilities during wartime research, providing attendees with a concise yet thought-provoking exploration of the ethical dimensions shaping scholarly endeavors in challenging environments.

This programme is organised by the Master of Health Research Ethics (MOHRE) programme at Universiti Malaya ( It is supported by the Fogarty International Center of the United States, National Institutes of Health (Grant 2R25TW010891) in collaboration with the Berman Institute of Bioethics, Johns Hopkins University.